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I get asked a lot why I chose photography, so I decided to make this video. I think it’s a lot more than me choosing photography, I really think it chose me.
I have studied photography for nearly 40 years. When I was 10, my dad got a Canon AE1, and I started using his camera. I knew right off that it was something special. Now, nearly 40 years later, Photography is my main creative outlet.
Adventure is part of why I photograph wildlife and nature, as I love traveling, and I love the outdoors. Adrenaline is some part of it too, as getting close to Alaskan Brown Bears, Polar Bears, and other wildlife is exciting, and I have always been interested in animals and birds.
But the biggest part of why I photograph wildlife and nature is more of a therapeutic aspect. I was in law enforcement for 20 years, 10 years of that working the street, and almost my entire career working violent crimes and gang investigations. I worked the Oklahoma City Bombing, at the time it was the worst terrorist acts on our soil, until the 911 attacks. After working the OKC scene, I can’t imagine working a scene the size of the twin towers. I know some that did, and I respect them greatly. I know that it changed them forever. I have been involved in shootings, personally. I have seen the best of people at their worst, the worst of people at their best, and everything in between.
Being able to get out in nature, and get away from all that, and see the natural beauty of this world, that is what defines who I am today. I’m not sure exactly who I would be today without these awesome experiences. I just know that I need them to balance my life, and I look forward to the next location.
In 2012, after leaving law enforcement, I founded a new company, and today that is a nationwide company leading in its industry. The day in, day out hustle of the corporate world is another drain to ourselves, and after each shoot, scouting trip or tour that I lead, I come back refreshed and more productive. This is why I strongly encourage trips like those at Aaron’s tours. I have had people who are not even photographers go on his trips, only to return and tell me that it was the best adventure of their life.